Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Into Deutschland

It is now our 7th day here and my first desire to write anything. I'm writing this as of last night, since we still have no internet and it doesn't really look that friendly at work to be doing other things besides work.

Tonight it rained. Had a little thunder and lightning as well! That was nice. Reminded me of Michigan. It doesn't rain like this in LA. I like the rain. Other than that the weather has been very nice. It's just around 80 or high 70s most of the time so far, while cooling off quite a bit at night. Not like LA, but enough to warrant a sweatshirt or pullover. Well since its been about a week since my last blog, I'll try to explain a few things.


So from Jersey, I traveled to JFK through New York City. My wonderful mom drove me to the airport and it was traffic free up until the gates.

I am Queens Boulevard.

The line for international flights at JFK is a blessing compared to what I've seen and heard about LAX. Once through the security, the euroness started exuding from all angles. I had forgotten how bad everyones style is from other countries. Other than that and the $1.62/1.00 Euro exchange rate at the currency center my wait at the gate was entertained with 35 Italian exchange students and the shear multitude of 747s leaving for London every hour.

There were individual monitors in the seats and a library of films to go through. I watched Zodiac and a little of 300 and blades of glory. A nice man from Libya kept me talking about how much money the planes make and all this. I just wondered if British Airways was a profitable company at all.

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