Sunday, August 12, 2007

08/06 Montag

Monday morning. First Monday of Work. The day after getting all busted up is the worst. My wrist was...I really don't want anyone to worry, it's all good now i got it wrapped and im typing and its not broken or anything, just describing my life and how much has happened in one little week in a town across a big body of water.

So I go to work and the wrist is bugging me, and guess what? Ice does not exist in Europe! Before I decided to buy a small bag for 3 euro I used a frozen pack of what looked to be brine shrimp out of the freezer downstairs. I guess there is an aquarium somewhere.

Work itself was ok, I'm learning maya and what not. Apparently everyone learns a little maya. After work I ate a pizza and tended to my wounds and hit the hey for like 12 hours.

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