Wednesday, August 8, 2007

08/01 Mittwoch

I landed in Heathrow and waited on the Tarmac for 45 minutes...woo hoo 2 for 2!
Once inside I think I walked close to a mile to the Tram that takes you to terminal 1. If you've ever been to Heathrow, you know the whole place is a pain in the ass. As we arrived to Terminal 1 I was delighted to remember hearing something about the UK stepping up their security!! Here's a pic of the madness although blurry.

Super shake down, way too many people, huge mess. Only reason I made my flight to Munich was because it was delayed. Once through the insanity called Heathrow, I boarded my plane to Munich but of course my bags didn't.

I got to the Airport, which was nice, found the boys and got on the S-bahn and headed to the Ostbanhof, which was close to work.

Nice car!

So thankfully BA lost my bags so I could help carry everyone elses half a mile to the Office. Thanks RTT! So jetlagged, stinky and hot with a bunch of bags, we crawl up to the Office to get the keys to the flat. We were tired so we didn't stay to chit chat, called a cab and headed off to Buttermelcher Str.



So it's still the same day and I guess we came right when there was a little twice in the summer BBQ on the Isar river! Wow, welcome to Germany! It was totally beautiful and the nap allowed us to have some energy to get cracking right away on sausages and bier.

Tim and Sebastian were very nice when we arrived at the office and let us know about the BBQ. There were about 50 or so employees and everyone was having a good old time. We learned that the only beer to drink in Munich is Augustiner Brau and that you can cook a whole steak and slap it between two pieces of bread and call it food.

Curtis givin me the evil eye.


As you can see from the pics, es ist sehr schön in München.

Other funny things discovered this night to us Mer'icans of course was some guy nude bathing, a dude in lederhosen and the fact that you can just carry open bier everywhere. Also we found Döner on the way home.

Bed, endlich!

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