Friday, August 31, 2007


Last weekend I decided to go see my friends Julie and Christoph up in Hamburg. It was nice to be alone and get out of Bavaria. I was reminded time and time again, anything I didn't like about Germany was because I was in Bavaria and they are crazy down there. Hamburg and Bavaria are just like the Yankees and the Rebels. Somethings never die.

Hamburg is a wonderful harbor city with nice people and a nice overall feeling of a normal city. It reminded me a bit of Seattle having that artistic creative feeling close to the water type town. That's seattle to me! We started off Saturday morning with a little German breakfast by the Harbor. Christoph asked me if I think the group of people next to me enjoy fashion magazines and such. I informed him later that those were "hipsters." I can't lie and say Munich doesn't have hipsters, cause they do, but it was just nice to see some more in Hamburg.

We then met up with another one of Jakob's friends I met 3 years ago at New Year's, Nils, and went to a flea market and checked out the local scene. It was pretty cool to see all the old vintage German goods. I bought some crazy watch I think I left up there. It was nice to see the other side of Germany. No huge steins of beer, not that many sausages, just a normal cool city.

The old outside by some bridge in some European city shot again.

I have no real way to gauge anything out here, I just believe my friends who are all from Hamburg. Things are a little conservative and slow here in Munich and overall I just felt like the people in Hamburg were more friendly, the customs were more hip and there was a stronger drive towards artists and other creative outlets.

Christoph and I 'posting up.'

After walking around, shopping and enjoying coffee, Christoph took off for his Father's birthday while I met up with Julie. We had some a nice Sushi dinner and took of for the Goldfish bar in the Schansen viertal. On the way there Julie stopped to talk to some friends she saw. It turned out I had met them last time I was in Hamburg 3 and half years ago with Jakob! They were a little surprised to see me, but, I was actually more surprised that I would later run into almost every single person I've met here when I was here last. 1.8 million people in Hamburg, but I guess its not that small.

A Picture from inside the Goldfish Bar.

After the goldfish bar I hopped a taxi to Prizenbar for the Jan Delay after party. Jan Delay is a friend of Christoph's as well as a hip-hop icon of Hamburg doing his own projects as well as being part of rap group Beginner. The party was pretty cool with lots of good music and people dancing. I had a good time and we decided to leave way past any normal time a bar closes in LA.

The only really decent party pic where everyone doesn't look absolutely wasted.

Needless to say every single other picture was pretty much something nobody ever needs to see.

The next morning I borrowed Christoph's jean jacket and took a trip back in time to a 1984 Bon Jovi concert in New Jersey.

Hi Julie!

I spent most of the day catching up with Julie, a wonderful friend of mine who I was so lucky to have spent 4 months with in LA during one of Jakob's internships. We went down to the Alstar lake. It was a beautiful day and I had water with bubbles in it. It was sad to leave as it is always sad to leave your friends on a Sunday night after a fun weekend, but alas, I will return.

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