Sunday, August 12, 2007

08/07 Dienstag

Thank God my wrist is 300% better today. I've been to the doctor for this a million times and usually they make me get a wrist protector for $200 and spend another grand on xrays. I figured i could go to the apotheke and do half that. So i bought an ace bandage for the meantime.

At work it was more of the same. Do a little maya, ask about beds and keys, have the feeling that people think were baby americans who demand everything, but seriously we should all have our own keys and beds.

We rode home, ate at a good thai fusion place for like $75 american or something. I've tried not to think about the exchange rate anymore.

Overall I'm really happy with everything. The only thing is that its a little unorganized here. No one really knows what we should and there is nobody directly responsible for getting us stuff if we need it. So we just buy it for now and worry about it later. It will all get worked out eventually. The overall stress of adjusted to something foreign is making every little thing seem like a big deal. I feel like I've been here about 3 weeks. My German is getting slightly better. I'm surprised I understand way more than I thought I would. Thanks Jakob!

Bis Dan. Tschuss!

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