Wednesday, August 8, 2007

08/02 Donnerstag

Somehow, we slept through the night, (whoops just fried the second jensen power convertor! Gotta buy something else now.) Yeah I was pretty happy that we got a nap in and were still able to sleep all the way through to the morning. Although that feat of accomplishment was soon overwhelmed by chaos and super jetlag once at work.

Didn't take long to see an H2 on dubs..where am I?

There wasn't much to do as far as work was concerened, but there was alot to do as far as getting a bed for the house and keys made and everything else under the sun that wasn't taken care of before we got here. It wasn't very easy to ask anyone since no one was assigned to take care of us and everyone else thought it was everyone else's job and our supervisor was on vacation. So basically the first day was a blur and we met people and some were nicer than others in helping us figure things out, but i think we managed.

One sweet fatal blessing was this super sick bike I found at a store not to far away from work! It's a Minora German Road bike, probably 80s or late 80s considering its way nicer than my Peugeot from the early 80s. I was stoked that I found this and spent little time debating whether or not to buy it. Coincidentally there was a Puegeot too big for me but the right size for Curtis, so we knocked out a couple bikes the second day here. Funny thing is that it took me 4 months to find bikes just like these but a little worse in LA.

One day in Germany..fate?

We rode the bikes home and Curtis tried out the Mattress. I can't remember what else we did that night, plus there are no pictures. My camera has become my diary.

1 comment:

jake said...

Nice blog. No specialized domain name? Whatever.

Glad your trip went well enough for you to get there.

--jakey jake