Sunday, August 12, 2007

Euro to the US Dollar? No problem!

Friday at work, I did some more on my maya scene. I've been working with a program that produces the same things you saw on the big screen with Transformers!! That's right I'm awesome! No not really, but I've doing work in this 3D animation program building a "scene" to put cars in. It's supposed to be Sardinia and I've gone the Marco route on this project and just made guards rails in Alias and signs and benches with polygon rocks and bunch of other things everyone is confused about right now! But its fun, my right hand man for the time is Neil giving me pointers on everything. My buddies in the configuator department, which I'm in right now, are boys from England Neil and Clive. Clive showed me how to do things in Maya, which begins after starting and restarting the program until it works and repeating things until i now remember them which has actually been helpful and hilarious.

After work I went down to the Second-hand bike shop called Hand Sports and had my bike all fixed up by Harry. It's a cool place and he's a cool guy. He didn't charge me much considering the rear fork had to be pulled out and the rim had to be straightened and a whole bunch of stuff had to happen which I didn't have the tools for. My bikes back and happening and that made me happy.

That night we went to this crazy building behind RTT which had about 25 clubs in it. It was basically Germany's answer to Cancun. I didn't particularly want to go but I was having fun with die Mitbewohneren, and figured why not gotta get it out of the way. Yet it was bad and I didn't even take pictures because it was so bad. But they did have Big Lebowski playing on the wall with German subtitles. You can see the Dude and Walter. We came in right at the part where Walter asks Larry, "Do you know what happens when you f--- a stranger in the ass?!" Unfortunately I didn't catch how that translates into German.

Later that night, Curtis and I left early and got some grub at Wolf Berg. Soooo good! Currywurst and fries drenched in mayo and ketchup going off at 3 in the morning. When we got back to the house Curtis remembered that Parker had the keys. We really need our own sets.

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