Sunday, August 12, 2007


So Thursday at work, was pretty fun. I've been putting down like 2-3 Adelhofzener Sanft waters a day here at work. I'm addicted! These things are great, I can't stop drinking them. Ever since I found out about them here at work, i've been in the bathroom at least every hour. Man I love these things, even nicked a couple fur das crib! Damn don't tell anyone.

I've been pretty stoked on all the cars here. I like to act like it doesn't effect me, like seeing mk2 GTI's with single rounds and recur seats is just an everyday thing. And it is! But not in LA of course. Besides that we see alot of cool shit like this avant rs4 just chilling out side work.

This was kinda cool. So I read about a car that AC Schnitzer is going to put out for the Frankfurt auto show on Jalopnik (click here to see press realease)
and then I walk outside and there it is. I assume it the same one, unless they made a couple of these things. The pick was from like 100m away, its just to show that I saw it drive by work.

Another great find was a scirocco with some she-ra goddess painted on the hood. Another great prollig example this just proves that the trailer park in Three Rivers Michigan and this guy from Munich are one in the same.

I miss driving slightly and knowing that there are roads within a few miles of me with no speed limits encourages that yearning. Looks like I'll have to figure something out.

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