Sunday, August 12, 2007

Es regnet weider huete?

So it rains alot here. I went outside to go buy some german plugs from Gravis for my Macbook and as I approach the corner a sudden torrential downpour attacks the ground. Like clockwork, boosh!, 25 germans bust out their umbrellas out of no where. I was SOL on my bike.

I think I slept until 15:00, which is 3, I ate a great dinner that Curtis threw together, and later we checked out a bar we wanted to go to for awhile in the neighborhood. Curtis pointed out the people coming out of and going to the subway near the bar and thought it cool that people come to our hood for the bars. I basically live in the mission of San Francisco or better yet the castro I think.

I liked the bar, although it was quite packed and hot. There were plenty of the hipster type here. Some dude with a scarf, i mean ascot, and a zoo york shirt and some 80s style race cyclist hat/beatstie boys ad roc scruff. I just thought, wow this guy must love NY/LA. I'm not sure though I didn't ask. I'm thinking while this is sort of rare in Munich, it must just be the rage in Berlin. That's just what I've heard. As we were leaving a girl said Caio and a bunch of other stuff I didn't understand and the usual response to that for me is to just ignore it all together, but then I felt something aggressive directed at me so I said, Entshuldigung nicht zu viel deutch fur mich tut mir leid. And I'm not sure if i got that out but i guess if someone says Ciao or Servus or whatever and you don't say anything then he or she is going to beat you up.

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