Monday, September 10, 2007

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Nott

So here I am, the most comfortable I've been since I've been out here, behind the wheel of a new TT. Just look at me. It was like me and this machine were meant to be.

I rented the new 2008 2.0T Audi TT from Sixt for 99 Euro/day 500 km inclusive. I looked around at what was a round trip of 500 km and decided to fulfill one of my Dad's favorite places he visited in the 70s, Castle Neuschwanstein.

The morning brought a slight drizzle but that thankfully cleared up as we made our way on to the autobahn. I figured if I was going on the autobahn I wasn't going to rent some putt-putt lupo diesel or some piece of crap Peugeot. I knew that would nearly kill me. This has been a dream for at least 10 years and it has finally been rightly fulfilled, for the most part. The dream has actually been altered now to driving an even faster car, but for now I am satiated.

As we moved onto the second highway toward Fussen a nice new Porsche 911(997) Carrera 4S decided it was play time. My camera only likes to take clear pictures. If you saw the pics of the rallye cars which were going pretty fast, those were as sharp as if they were standing still. As you can see in this pic, the 4S is doing its part to stay true to what it means to drive a €100,000+ automobile. Actually we all know the guy was a puss if he bought the all wheel drive version right?!

So i played a little cat 'n mouse chase with this guy all the way to the castle. I guess the video shows most of it. Peep game. BTW, Imovie is the worst pile of ass program known to man. I did my best to composite this junk, but the program kept crashing and the audio wouldn't save right, whateva. We bogged it out in the end for the "rap" portion of the video.

The car was soooo nice, I tried to think of ways I could make money to buy one when i get back home. Desperate times call for... well yeah you get it. I really enjoyed the weather surrounding the two castles. It was a nice cool misty afternoon. The actual place was pretty touristy but it was nice to see the castles through the moorish mist.

So the story is that King Ludwig I built Hohlenschwangau, the yellow one, and his son said, "Whatever! I can build a better one," and his son built Neuschwanstein, the one which Disney's Magic Kingdom was modeled after. The only problem with these castles was that they were built in the mid 19th Century and Ludwig II died during the construction and it was never finished. He was only around for 172 days of what was completed of it. Soon after his death it became a museum/tourist attraction.

I enjoyed the storybook setting and the weather did its part to cooperate. We hiked around up to the castle and relaxed before it was Curtis' turn to hit the road.

I was pretty tired. We took a different way back which was even more scenic. We we are the edge of the alps winding between mountains through towns which had settled long ago in the valleys. The tips not even visible through the mist.

On one road we ran into a bunch of cows. Just cows hanging out running around on the road lumbering along. Here's a video of the crazy cow.

The next morning it was time to say goodbye. I had 80 km left on the dial and decided to take her out for one last spin. It was early and there was no body on the road. I found the 94 heading out of Munich and pushed it for one last time. This is what the car was built for. From 200 to 260 I felt everything leave me and I let the car do the worrying. She was dialed, stuck to the ground, confident and willing. After I hit 260, I let off and turned around. I noticed I had absolutely no gas left. I filled up the tank with 50 liters for 74 Euro. Hey guys you wanna go out tonight? Whose got gas money? It's only $100 to fill it up. Anyone?

I dropped her off at the rental office and walked away in the rain. I looked back at her and thought of when I first saw the ad on the internet. 99 Euro/Day. I felt like I had known her my whole life, it felt so right and then gone in the rain with a thin hoody I said goodbye. Unfortunate life, one chosen without will. I felt as if maybe I was special. I tried to treat her with respect, gave her what she wanted, didn't take advantage. Maybe one day she'll get out of this horrible mess and have a proper owner. Too bad most of the men she'll like will be macho losers with too much money who would get rid of her in two or three years. Not me. I loved her more than all those other guys put together. Maybe our paths will cross again, I can only hope TT.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice! Real nice. Truly thrilling! I'm sure the pictures don't do it justice, but the alps looked amazing. TT looked hot. Looks like I have some competition. Who loves you, baby? This girl, right here.