Monday, October 1, 2007

Pragin it 22.09

So I'm not really sure how to do the Prague blog. The best way to see what went down and most of the pictures in Prague is to view them on the flickr site. In the top right corner you'll find a link to that page. So let's see here...

The El Dude Brothers decided it was time to check out a little neighboring country no longer called Czechlovokia. We peaced out of work early, I mean no we left at the normal time, got on a short flight and ended up in Prague. In Prague you pay for everything with 2000 Crown bills. As you can see here, Curtis isn't even balling anymore. Fool only has like 1400 crowns left, shhieet sahn, what happened?

The first night we got there, we decided that it was time to drink Absinthe. It's a special drink native to the Czech Republic. Some of you may be familiar with it. We found a nice bar and had our fill. The sequence of pictures speaks for itself.

I can't really explain that last picture, but basically it's a Fiero in Prauge. Yup. So here's the next morning. We decided it was time to go back to Germany and we left. Well we thought about it, but we didn't and decided to see what else there was to see in Prague.

So our pocket books had taken a hit from the night before, I was down about 1,300 crowns, which is like 3 euro. Well more like 40, but because the numbers were so different, I just thought everything was free. I would go buy a coke and they would be like 35 crowns please, and I'd be like, HA! sure! whatever! phsstt....that's like 10 cents! This is what i did the whole time even though it was really not that much cheaper, it was only a different number.

We walked around a little, got a bite to eat at a cafe, and took a ride on this skoda safari deal through the city. The guy was pretty nice, letting us know right away that he was from here but had lived in Australia most of his life and was only here now because his mother had cancer. He said this all in the first sentence of meeting him with a smile. I thought, wow, uh....ok.

We got in the old Skoda and had a pretty amazing tour of the city, and by amazing I mean a tour with a racist guy from the Czech Republic who lived in Australia but was only here because his mother had cancer. As we drove around the city he politely hollered at all the girls and called the Italians, 'Spaghetti' and the Asians, 'Chopsticks.' We were all looking at each other like, "is this really happening?"

We went to a lot of great sites and were given a lot of information on the history of the city, and by great I mean this picture of me next to peeing statues, and by a lot of information I mean no information.

We went in circles for a while and ended up back where we started. We gave the guy a million dollars, (5 cents), and we were on our way to buy gelatto. On the way to buying gelatto a couple of big girls saw my shirt that said Chicago and asked us if we were from, well, Chicago. I said no, but I grew up in Kalamazoo and they said they had just moved to Prauge. Not visiting, but had bought a one way ticket to live in Prauge. I thought wow, that's just not normal, but whatever. They had apparently been kicked out of the hostel they were staying in, the one we were in actually, and I assume were looking for another place to crash. They ended up being pretty funny and I enjoyed hearing people from the midwest talk with their honesty and jokes and what not.

We went on the top of this tower and took a shot of the city.

I felt like this cathedral was also quite amazing.

The sunset was also not bad.

The next day I walked around by myself and had a little Prauge adventure. I was able to go at my own speed and appreciate things a little more. I ate a sausage and had a beer for about 12 cents. The first rule about eating sausage in Prauge is that its best not to think about what's inside. The second rule is, well, there is no second rule, but you get the point.

As I was leaving the city I noticed this guy begging for money. So many people just walking buy with their cameras and fanny packs and what not. So many people from so many different places with money and homes and a life. This one had been kneeling on the ground in that position for the 10 minutes I waited around here. Cars would drive by and he wouldn't move. I felt it took a lot more to make this statement than merely sitting on the street and panhandling. I'm usually one to ignore people asking for money. His form of expression was simple and it got through to me. I gave him some change and he didn't move. Unfortunaltely for him, I can't expect the average passerby to relate to his business plan the way it had so heavily affected me.

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