Monday, July 30, 2007

7/29 - Drive to Jersey

So it decided to rain. We hunkered down my luggage in the back of Jake's truck and took off for Jersey!! It was an hour and a half drive to my parents house.

We made it. Jake was happy.

So were my parents!

7/28 - Flying to Philly

My journey to Germany starts at LAX and stops off in Philly to see my long time friend Jake. Although the leg room was nice, thanks Mieke, this picture was one that I was starring at for an hour after we landed due to the fact that some special person could not work the jetway. After an hour they towed us to a different gate, go U.S. Airways!!

Jake was happy to see me.

We got a drink at place that used to be an old house. There was a crack in my glass, so I slammed the beer and then said, hey there's a crack in this glass. The guy gave me a new one.

And there I am.

Jake showed me around Philly. It's a nice city. Not too big, not too small. The bartender at this bar right next to Jake's apartment was so nice I forgot to leave her a tip. Other than that, I thought Philly was pretty cool for a nice 2 hour adventure before we went to sleep.

We found a kitten in a tree on the way back. I put him in my suitcase.